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Built For Birth

Birth Comb

Birth Comb

Our birth comb is the perfect addition to your labour & birth tool kit! This comb provides natural pain relief to assist you in managing the intensity of contractions. 

Position the teeth of the comb at the base of your fingers, just below where your fingers meet your palm. Simply squeeze the comb during a contraction and release as the contraction ends. 

How does it work? 

Using a birth comb in labour assists with pain as the teeth of the comb put pressure on acupressure points in your hand. This releases endorphins that block pain signals. Also known as the 'Gate Control Theory', non-painful sensations can override and reduce painful sensations. The nerves in your arms are closer to your brain than the nerves in your uterus, so the sensation of the comb on your hand can travel faster to your brain and distract you from the pain!

Our comb is both aesthetically pleasing and strong. The teeth are the perfect shape to provide you with the pressure you need yet not sharp enough to cause any skin damage.

Purchase 1x comb for $20 or 2x for $30

Regular price $20.00 AUD
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